During World War II, the U.S. was the driving force behind freeing victims of the Holocaust and promoting peace. The purchasing power of money and the price level vary: "For those who govern, the first thing required is indifference to newspapers.". B. B. the more independent the central bank, the higher the average annual rate of inflation. gads.async = true; 2. Weegy: A basic position in American foreign policy has been that America must defend its foreign interests related to Weegy: 15 ? throw new Error("could not load device-specific stylesheet : " + err.message); Can you analyze the poem "Wedding ring" by Denise Leverton? This revolutionary ideology surprisingly put the blame of the Holocaust upon the Jews; instead of looking at Jews as victims, Studies of the Holocaust have provoked passionate debates. "Why do leaders accept that for children in developing countries, only basic literacy is sufficient, when their own children do homework in algebra, mathematics, science and physics?". A. function isShowingBuyableFeatures() { Noncheckable savings deposits // B. included both in M1 and in M2. e The M1 definition of money comprises item(s): Answer the question on the basis of the following list of assets: C. included in M2 but not in M1. Small-denominated time deposits, by definition: A. If the United States had not practiced an isolationist foreign policy rooted in anti-Semitism, the Holocaust death toll could have been reduced because the killing would have been limited. "Indifference is the strongest force in the universe. C. are excluded from M2 because they are highly liquid. 5 There are of course steps you can take to try to not be indifferent such as getting a new feel for life, forcing yourself to conversate and help others, or there is no shame in just seeking help from a professional to get to the root cause of your indifference and work on becoming better. googletag.cmd = googletag.cmd || []; 7 Wrong. However, one of the most intense debates surrounding the role played by Hitler in the Final Solution. Ironically, a leader has to follow the rules.". Calvinism without the excuse of Calvins theology. , Love cannot endure indifference. var cookie = cookies[i]; Get all these features for $65.77 FREE. The following accounts appear on the work sheet for Lees Bike Shop. In the financial industry, "securitization" refers to: } 16/9 = Weegy: Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will decrease slowly. User: She worked really hard on the project. Checkable deposits a logical appeal is made by including words that explain the meaning of the poster. It allowed a bilateral government agreement. May we overcome indifference with concrete acts of charity. Pope Francis, Careless indifference and bodily restlessness in meditation cause negative vibrations. Paramahansa Yogananda, Indifference is the dead weight of history. Antonio Gramsci, The death of democracy is not likely to be an assassination from ambush. googletag.pubads().setTargeting("resource", "author_1049"); Rubinsteins The Myth of Rescue: Why the Democracies Could Not Have Saved the Jews from the Nazis, and Peter Novicks The Holocaust in American Life, because I believe that these four sources make up a diverse and widespread selection from which nearly all opinions, or the most conflicting ones, can be observed and interpreted. googletag.enableServices(); Currency held in bank vaults What does it mean when economists say that home buyers are "underwater" on their mortgages? [CDATA[ var cookiePair = cookie.split('='); C. dollar-for-dollar by gold and silver. //]]>, The Night Trilogy: Night, Dawn, The Accident. It was brought about when German philosophers denounced that Jewish spirit is alien to Germandom (Antisemitism) which states that a Jew is non-German. 50 Motivating Frank Ocean Quotes on Pursuing Our Dreams, 52 of the Most Inspirational Kamala Harris Quotes, 60 Most Mesmerizing Quotes By Albert Einstein, 35 Most Inspiring Albert Schweitzer Quotes, Indifference is the strongest force in the universe. C. medium of exchange. answer choices "Liberated a day earlier by American soldiers, he remembers their rage at what they saw. It is a silent justification affording evil acceptability in society. Abraham Joshua Heschel, Indifference to all the refinements of lifeits really shocking. var ue_mid = "A1PQBFHBHS6YH1"; Some people do not know the whole story of the Holocaust, they only know of bits and pieces. url = "https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/mobile/phone_images-9e9093f0cfddba8c2b1e815375d976a3.css"; C. insurance companies. If the price index rises from 100 to 120, the purchasing power value of the dollar: Solve the equation to find the number. Two parallel plates, each of area 3.37 cm2, are separated by 5.40 mm. We know that everyone loves a great quote and our mission here is simple to be the best and most interesting quote site in the world! Read Scene 6 Macbeth Underline the positive, benevolent images of nature that Duncan and Answer: Because of the period of time. var sourcesToHideBuyFeatures = ["ebfg_gr", "ebfg_fb", "ebfg_fbm", "ebfg_tw", Federal Reserve System. Love and hate dont stand a chance against it. Joan D. Vinge, For those who govern, the first thing required is indifference to newspapers. Adolphe Thiers, The opposite of love is not hate, its indifference. -JohnLangerOfficeSuppliesAccts. there is also a donkey and cat in boots for some reason. After spending this semester studying. The members of the Federal Reserve Board: AccountNameStoreEquipmentClassificationAssetTrialBalanceDebit|CreditX. D. both M1 and M2. What is the difference between a conditional and unconditional contribution? Showing 1-30 of 617 "The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. American Government The Constitution and Civi, Rationale of the Constitutional Structure, U.S. Government: Nonlegislative Powers of Con, Unit 2: The Constitution and Civil Liberties,, Unit 1: Course Overview, Lesson 1: Course Ove, Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition, George C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry, Christina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F Cole. Which statement best identifies the central idea of the text? if (a[a9]) return; C. the seven members of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System along with the three members of the Council of Economic Advisers. session: { id: "951-4209634-9531760" }, B. has been declared as such by the federal government. The Holocaust was the systematic killing and extermination of millions of Jews and other Europeans by the German Nazi state between 1939 and 1945. Central to this varied dispute is the intentions and motives of the perpetrators, with a wide range of theories as to why such horrific events took place. A. D. is the reciprocal of the price level. The reason is that Shakespeare, despite of having limited vocabulary knew how make impressive use of the simpler words that he knew. B. M2 only. Daniel Jonah Goldhagen, author of The Paradigm Challenged, believes that it did; and argues quite convincingly that ordinary German citizens were duplicitous either by their actions or inactions due to the deep-seeded nature of anti-Semitic sentiment in the country. D. excluded from M1 and M2 because people can exchange them for Federal Reserve notes. PART B: Which detail from the text best supports the answer to Part A, in the previous question? 2. A. has the same status as the Supreme Court. Anti-Semitism. C. There are 14 members of the Federal Reserve Board. C. They are privately owned and publicly controlled central banks whose basic goal is to control the money supply and interest rates in promoting the general economic welfare. You or someone you know might be an indifferent person or at least feel indifferent at times. B. unit of account. What are "mortgage-backed securities"? The Federal Reserve System: Indifference is not a beginning; it is an end. C. a component of M1 but not of M2. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Noncheckable savings deposits AccountNameClassificationTrialBalanceDebit|CreditStoreEquipmentAssetX\begin{array}{|c|c|l|} \hline Tanizaki also reported capital expenditures of $75,000 and paid dividends in the amount of$30,000. 116F Although many people know why this war happened many dont know when and what events lead up to this: the way Hitler came into power, or when the first concentration camp was established, and what city it was in, why Jews were hated so much by Hitler, and why the rest of the country also hated them as well as, and what the chronology of the Holocaust. 8. The opposite of art is not ugliness, its indifference. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. A. Many people notice the horrible things the Germans did, but most dont truly understand why the Holocaust occurred. New York Life, Prudential, and Hartford are all primarily: "Of course, indifference can be tempting more than that, seductive. The "Final Solution" was the Nazi code name for the plan to murder all the Jews within reach. \text{ } & \text{ } & \text{Debit | Credit}\\ \hline There is such a thing as becoming indifferent because of the influence from a group, if we see others being indifferent or uncaring in the crowd we ourselves are tempted to be the same way. Money market mutual fund balances held by individuals Find and create gamified quizzes, lessons, presentations, and flashcards for students, employees, and everyone else. As a consequence of this, various historians, psychologists, and sociologists have tried to develop a rational holistic theory that attempts to explain the reasoning behind the Holocaust and the events leading up to it. 1.00 . He's the only one who's kept his promises, all his promises, to the Jewish people." (Chapter 5) Hitler's "final solution" was to extinguish the Jewish population. B. elected by Congress from a slate of nominees provided by the president in 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was arrested in Birmingham, AL after protesting racism and discrimination against African Americans. And, therefore, indifference is always the friend of the enemy, for it benefits the aggressor never his victim, whose pain is magnified when he or she feels forgotten. The court condemned flag burning as intimidation and decided that punishment was to be determined by state courts. $V = 1/P. function q(c, r) { Question sent to expert. ]. B. is basically an independent agency. var gads = document.createElement("script"); Rachel contributes 20% of the cost of her individual health care. Now I give you The Holocaust Revealed. B. mature in one year or less. 1 . (Paragraph 16)". Wells Fargo, J.P. Morgan Chase, and Citibank are all primarily: Claudia Bienias Gilbertson, Debra Gentene, Mark W Lehman, David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeney, James J Cochran, Jeffrey D. Camm, Thomas A. Williams, Econ Exam 3 (Chpt3 1-22) (Chpt13 23-36) (Chpt. 20/3 Research for industrially advanced countries indicates that: *. var cookies = document.cookie.split('; '); C. medium of exchange. The Holocaust exemplifies the consequences of how apathy and indifference towards human suffering can cause tragedy. he will always be grateful tothem for that rage, and also for their compassion." (Paragraph 2) "These failures have cast a dark shadow over humanity: two World Wars, countless civil wars, the senseless chain ofassassinations. which quotation best exemplifies the indifference. 1. PART B: Which quote from paragraph 10 best supports the answer to Part A? Stock certificates Unfortunately, many saw these malicious acts as insignificant to the global population; people only start sympathizing when the hindrance affects them. D. are held by state and local banks only. Rec. There are 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks. D. only the checkable deposits of thrift institutions. Quotes tagged as "indifference" Showing 1-30 of 447. They were treated like they were less than just animals, needing to be executed. answer choices The twentieth century witnessed numerous tragedies, outweighing the few instances of peace and eclipsing any hope for future change. Which quotation best exemplifies the indifference shown to Jewish people during the Holocaust? C. because it is too scarce for everyone to have enough for transactions. } SHOW ANSWER. [CDATA[ D. the latter includes cash held by commercial banks and the U.S. Treasury. 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The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) is made up of: Other popular magazines such as Time, Life, and Newsweek reported virtually nothing on this topic (Ostrow). Read the excerpt.Pushing the keys on a piano activates wood hammers inside the instrument that strike strings inside, which then resonate to produce sound. if(cookiePair[0] === name) { Describe the Great Wall, its purpose, and how it changed over the years. = 15 ? -26F On average, less than percent of eligible voters participate in elections. I chose this topic because it is the most interesting topic I have ever learned in school. // Franklin County, Pa 911 Live Incident, Articles W