Ultimately, your cat's safety comes first. Very long story short my moms neighbor threatened to kill one of our cats named Tokie, Tokie was only 6 months old very sweet cat, the day after the Press J to jump to the feed. In some states, this crime might be referred to as terroristic threats, threats of violence, malicious harassment, menacing, or another term. Yes dogs roaming are far more of a threat than cats and cause road accidents too. The victim fired a single shot at the dog killing it, as it charged toward him, teeth exposed. ahh ok, cheers for the clarafication. Threatening to harm pets or neglect them is a common Narcissistic Abuse tactic employed by Narcissists, Sociopaths, and Narcopaths. "Life is difficult. There is no place on PoC for unjustified insults. Not only is she threatening to kill your cat, she is probably ignoring her own dog (it isn't natural for a dog to bark incessantly.) 1. Simply astounding. Over the course of many years, the Schererville police department has received hundreds of calls from a troubled female . Your stuff is so fun and I am really enjoying it! I support both PETA and Nathan Winograd. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. When he couldn't get a good answer he said he's file a civil suit. Our ex-neighbours decided they objected to our cats(not the two we have now) even being in our own garden, mostly through spite against us,it began with us realising that our female cat had been shot in the head with an air rifle, thankfully it had lodged in the skin and didnt do any serious damage and Ruth was able to deal with it using her veterinary experience, we couldnt prove it was them and they pretended to be sympathetic and said someone had been seen with an air gun nearby(we lived near a large field and open spave beyond that) but we later found out it was one of the sons.Then there was a period of throwing chicken bones over the fence to tempt them to eat the dangerous bones and setting their huge dog to bark at them whenever they were in their own garden, they finally put up a bird feeder above the party fence and fixed barbed wire to the fence so that if a cat jumped on the fence he/she would be injured.It got so bad at the end that whenever the cats were out day or night we had to have the patio door open and stand outside to make sure they were safe. Guess what? Today I witnessed my cat get mauled by a neighbor's pit bull. They are both obese Bowie's law is a significant advance in the humane treatment of animals in California according to Nathan Winograd. 2023 Alley Cat Allies. Why should someone be able to choose to hurt or destroy an animal that isnt causing any harm? I was sure that you were talking about people who own cats and insist they have the right to roam anywhere and destroy everyone elses lives and property. Am I right in thinking those cat hater neighbours were anti social in other ways too Ruth? Linear Algebra - Linear transformation question. The dog was fighting another dog and the cat ended up in the middle of it. I'm accepting this answer because it addressed the question I asked. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. and our How many more neighbors lives are you going to try to control and manipulate during your life by using your self-victimization cat-excuse and then blame others for it? My article is saying what I think you are saying that people should be responsible cat caretakers, yet you seem to be criticising me. How to apologize to my neighbour who threatened to kill my cat without annoying him and ending up with him hurting my pets? Gather evidence. No I was talking about people who refuse to live and let live,who allow their kids to run wild,cheek adults and chuck rubbish around and own dogs that mess all over and bark constantly. Required fields are marked *, Click this to send email to Michael Broad, the site's owner and author. I dont understand the concept of calling my pet a family member and then letting it wander all over creation where just natural dangers can take its life of cause great injury or illness not even taking into account the sick animal haters who will dispose of your pet without a second thought. Its those neighbours had ZERO respect for US and obviously of the same ilk as you Woody, desperate to convince everyone that cats and cats lovers are the scum of the earth. For instance, a California statute says that people have the right to kill any animals "known as dangerous to life, limb, or property" (Cal. Find more information on working with law enforcement to protect cats. First let me say i am not a cat person but i dont hate them. Who is not being responsible for their "property" and the consequences that property faces when it is out of your control? How can I check before my flight that the cloud separation requirements in VFR flight rules are met? The cat was panicking or was having a seizure and the dog got stressed because of it. Ruth, it sounds like it never really was about your cats. Your experience sounds horrible. We discussed his options. NEVER your own. You still wont comprehend this.). Yes they were an anti social family of parents and 4 teenage sons and a huge noisy dog in a two up two down terraced house. My boyfriend and I like to walk our cats out like dogs on leashes. I am struggling with this very thing as we speak. I told her I have a legal right to live here as much as anyone else. I hope you paid them a visit once you left..Im going through this just now..my cats dont defecate in their garden as its stone chipped..but use the fence to reach softer ground..theyve stoned my cats a few times. You are right Ruth, the woman who bought our house first had 2 little dogs and was sure she could handle those rotten neighbours, but they didnt like her dogs yapping, oh it was OK for their dog with its loud bark to make as much noise as it wanted to of course. Many people use death threat as a general insult (even at their own children), without even the slightest intent to actually do it. For example, Alabama's minimum punishment for animal cruelty is a $1,000 fine, six months of jail time, or both. If anything happens to your cat when it's at-large, good luck getting anywhere as far as holding anyone accountable. Thats downright nasty. In the US, it's very common for someone to say. Any advice on what to do? I asked him to cite which laws he thought i was violating, and the best he said was, "Well on NextDoor they said " Am I really facing legal liability for animal abuse for a cat that gets out? Those who permit their animals to roam the neighborhood, defecate on others' property, or bark all day put their animals at risk of being harmed. My dog and I offended a new neighbor. He so Loving & Sweet he helps Read more . You may invoke the law but then he may do something sneaky or impossible to prove. In this case someone does mind and you cant take the risk that he is just making an idle threat. Further research tells me that in June 2005, she killed two of her neighbor's cats by mixing the rodent poison, d-Con, into a can of cat food and dolloping it out in the yard. So my answer to could the neighbor have done it, has to be yes. A redirected attack occurs only if an agitated cat is approached or there's someone close by. Why do small African island nations perform better than African continental nations, considering democracy and human development? This is a pretty basic infographic but I feel that it is useful to restate the basics from time to A tetchy topic. However, if then the neighbour threatens with the killing again, I would mention that this would be a criminal act (but would hope it didn't come to that). Oh, were you talking about the people that kept their dog/pet in their own yard? cas . Surprise surprise it turned out that one of the sons who had got his girl friend pregnant, eventually bought our house at a knock down price after the women who bought it first, moved out too because of their bullying anti social ways. My old cat goes into the yard with me while I water (I don't leave him outside otherwise). Make sure the video quality is HD. Very scary, because he beat that dog all the time, so we just werent sure how he would react to any sudden movement. There is now an abundance of upper space. Sounds like a nice man. Maintain and control them like a responsible pet-owner, or relinquish that duty - its that simple. rose said You usually find people like that think they own the entire street they live in and can do anything they like and woe betide anyone who questions their rights'. As I said you are banned. Does a summoned creature play immediately after being summoned by a ready action? I love nature, cats and all animals. Diffuse cat tension with your neighbour To reach a solution with your neighbour, communication and understanding is key to avoid taking the matter down a more serious and legal route. If your neighbour treatens to hurt or kill your cat it is a threat to damage your property and in the UK is a crime (Criminal Damage Act 1971 1971 CHAPTER 48). I still use the cat-door my ex left behind and he finds his way back in every time. Thanks for contributing an answer to Interpersonal Skills Stack Exchange! Welcome to the Digital Spy forums. If someone is threatening cats: Notify the police. Depending on the state you live in it may very well be legal for him to shoot your cat. Intentionally injuring or killing a cat is a criminal offense. If youd like to join in, please sign in or register. Sounds like a complete bully to me, threatening that it would be a shame if your cat died. Is it impossible to build a fence around your yard to keep the cat out? reply report. So then why do people think just because they are cats, it is OK for them to go wherever, pooping, killing birds, getting sick, getting lost or run-over, having fights or whatever? This info does not constitute financial advice, always do your own research on top to ensure it's right for your specific circumstances and remember we focus on rates not service. One extreme option is to sue in nuisance but that may not work and it will cause more hostilities. Please comment here using either Facebook or WordPress (when available). Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I know what I feel like doing to someone like this jerk who hates cats and probably poisoned cats but being a neighbour you will probably agree that you have to keep the peace as best we can because youre living next to him and if you are engaged in warfare with your next-door neighbour youre going to be miserable and so will he although he wouldnt admit it. (Edit) Like many pet owners, I've been in a similar situation (just with dogs). A Florida man is accused of fatally shooting a neighbor whose cat walked onto his property, authorities said. Minimising the environmental effects of my dyson brain, Linear regulator thermal information missing in datasheet. And you are claiming that you dont even respect your neighbors enough that they have the perfect RIGHT to put up a bird-feeder anywhere they so desire on their OWN property? No, it wouldn't for obvious reasons. Whats the common denominator for this couple of cats? It will never end with your kind. Further to that point, if something happens to my cat I will look to you first. I used to have an indoor/outdoor cat that belonged to my ex-wife and when she left, the cat left as well. There are some horrible people in this world. Great Pyrenees Dog for Adoption near California, CITY RANCH, USA. 28/11/12 - 17:47 #2 I think your neighbour is well out of order, it's not illegal to deter cats but putting out poison is unacceptable IMO. Scooping him up, I took him inside. For example, a person who threatens their neighbor while waving a gun may be charged with aggravated assault. My evil neighbor says crap like they kill the native birds in her yard, doesn't want on her property etc. If the cat entered your private property, and that is where you dog killed it, it is unlikely the owner would be able to sue you. Even if you report him to the police its hard to prove he did kill them. Interpersonal Skills Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for people looking to improve their interpersonal communication skills. A little while after she left, things got better with this neighbor. A video detailing the. Taking proactive steps, like educating your neighbors about community cats and Trap-Neuter-Return, can be helpful in avoiding complaints and violent threats. Try to Be Diplomatic. A little while after she left, things got better with this neighbor. But part of me (a bitter part?) You usually find people like that think they own the entire street they live in and can do anything they like and woe betide anyone who questions their rights. How do you get out of a corner when plotting yourself into a corner. Shooting at cats is another nasty pastime for some people. Proceed as follows: Obtain several shotgun cartrages (12 guage are best). An easy way for someone (say your neighbor) to harm your dog is by baiting them with poison. I read an article once saying how badly cats have hurt bird populations. I do not understand the entitlement of some pet owners who think everyone should tolerate their dog or cat running loose or in the case of dogs yowling all night. The majority of the message will be along the lines of "so sorry won't happen again etc". Shooting a pet isn't considered a crime, at least not as far as I'm aware. My neighbor threatens to hurt my cat. I told him if he felt he had facts to back his suit, there's nothing I can do to stop him. The objective I think is that you have to prevent your cats going on to his property. Hi, my name is AUGGIE and I am estimated to be 9 months old. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Cats aren't toys and they aren't a part-time responsibility that many seem to believe. Pets belong at home in the house and walked on a regular basis or in a secure fence or enclosure. I don't think it's right to threaten someone's pet. Its ALWAYS something or someone elses fault. Neighbors often poison pets in order to quiet a noisy dog or stop a cat from digging up the rose garden or stalking the birds. What I hope to achieve is getting him not to kill my animals and perhaps act a bit more reasonably if he sees a cat in his yard (talk to me first without death threats through the fence?). If talking about your concerns in person with your neighbor doesn't work (always the first step), call the authorities and file a complaint with your local police, homeowners association, or county office. Ponder this. Did the neighbor do it is a different matter entirely. My ex was mean to her a few times, and so her and I would basically riff on my ex. Puzzled, I asked her, "Where will you take him?" I took a few calls for my job and came back out to her and her husband doing their bird watching thing. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I'll work on keeping him contained as much as humanly possible. I also don't want him throwing poison around and killing my dog. I'd rather you play it safe and have a pissed off cat than have a dead cat. On July 17, 1889, he went looking for help. Sit down and talk with your neighbor if possible. That simple-to-understand comment is only incomprehensible to you because you too have that blind-spot. It may bring some satisfaction but the objective is to stop your cat being hurt. If it is going on the neighbor's property, it's possible they could take some action. You need to get help for yourself, quickly. I think he appreciated it. (And why a defense up so high if your cats dont climb fences?) If you read Ruths comments properly you will see that those NFH owned the street by bullying and you will also see that her cats stayed in her own garden,they were just another means of the creeps getting at her. It's not a malicious or even intentional type of aggression. If it was me and he said the same thing, I would warn him that he will be reported. "I live here! @DavidK, I'm in Canada. On the other hand he already muttered threats so in a way I hope he realizes it might not be an appropriate thing to say. @Catsunami, I understood that he spoke from behind the fence, not seeing you and not knowing you were there (maybe. The neighbor went from being friendly to upset in a hurry. They had no cause to hate us or our cats, at the time we had 2 x 9 year old quiet neutered cats who never went from our own garden unless into the field beyond. Before qualifying I worked in many jobs including professional photography. When HOAs and COAs are Liable for Neighbor-to-Neighbor Harassment. Please write a longer comment next time! This is the crux of the story; OP's dogs killed a neighbor's cat who came into the yard by crossing the fence. Oooops, you just caught yourself in one of your own HUGE lies. Keep your cat indoors. By Dennis Romero. I didn't respond to him because I was shocked (no one has threatened me or my animals before). Perhaps your cat is defecating on your neighbors garden? She admitted that she said it, that it was a joke, and said she wont' talk to me again ever because I'm just a terrible person who doesn't care about animals. I was sitting on a pier by the lake and that huge dog came right up to me, nowhere to run except to jump into the lake in late April (no thanks) but luckily nothing happened. Re: Neighbor threatened to kill my cat So my neighbor comes banging on the door at 3AM cussing and all pissed cause his dog got out while chasing my cat. Is there a way to prevent the cat from getting out in the first place? Could I have handled this any differently? I cannot abide whingers who moan abt cats in their gardens.These ppl are clealy ignorant of how a cat lives. DIGITAL SPY, PART OF THE HEARST UK ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK. 61. Legalities aside, this neighbor has given you fair warning that he may harm your cat. There are other ways of deterring cats without trying to cause them deliberate harm. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Spay and neuter your cats. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Now i dont know what to do and i feel terrible! Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. There are devices to prevent cats entering properties but personally I dont really believe in them. Does PETA kill thousands of animals annually and if so, why? You don't threaten me or my animal and not expect consequences. If it turns out it's illegal for her to shoot your cat, you can let her out again once she's aware of this, perhaps. You wont stop your cats, so you force others to do it for you. This sounds like your neighbor. Guess who the REAL bully is wherever you live. I will obviously go to their house and say I'm sorry and hand them the card. I think cat haters are very unreasonable selfish people! I don't want you to have to give up your hobby and at the same time, I'm not giving up my cat. We had to call the police on my neighbors over their loose vicious dogs. Photo of angry man by Jan Tik (great photo, well done). Later, I see her putting up chicken wire around her yard. Tags: cat welfarehuman to cat relationshiphurting catskilling cats. Alley Cat Allies is a 501(c)3 organization. See our information on what to do if neighbors complain. How can we prove that the supernatural or paranormal doesn't exist? If I had 20 dogs because I love dogs, but my house was too little or I was unable to really be responsible for them, or I just wanted the dogs to be able to do whatever they wanted to do, and I let them wander all over the place, would that be OK? No matter how much a person loves cats and wants their cat to be content by behaving normally, the cat owner has to think of other people and comply with the law. Thanks for commenting Debra. MF date: Dec [STRIKE]2028[/STRIKE] 2019. I was never going to send it. The articles are copyright Michael Broad but the infographics are free to use under a CC license. ..would you like it if I sent my 5 year old son to shit in your garden? That way, the neighbors are happy and your cat isn't crapping in their yard or killing any critters. I would absolutely call the police about the threat, and they will have a little talk with the neighbors about the laws regarding pets. Id really feel terrible to be in that situation. Personally I wouldn't even think about apologising for my pet being in someone else's garden unless they were causing damage or defecating in their garden. I also have him chipped, and I did fit his collar with an electronic tracker.
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