Engels, Donald, Alexander the Great and the Logistics of the Macedonian Army, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1978. [citation needed] The Persians had acquired a reputation for invincibility, but the Athenian hoplites proved crushingly superior in the ensuing infantry battle. by aristocratic families of Attica in private burial grounds along the roadside on the family estate or near Athens. [11] This gave the Athenian army a small window of opportunity to attack the remainder of the Persian Army. Uprooting trees was especially effective given the Greek reliance on the olive crop and the long time it takes new olive trees to reach maturity. Part of the reform was to introduce "graphe paranomon" or public protest against illegal decrees. Myth of the legendary Odysseus Please select which sections you would like to print: Professor of Classics and Ancient History, University of Oxford. https://www.thoughtco.com/dorian-invasion-into-greece-119912 (accessed March 4, 2023). The goddess Themis was a female Titan, a goddess from the generation before Zeus. From depictions on white-ground lekythoi, we know that the women of Classical Athens made regular visits to the grave with offerings that included small cakes and libations. Alexanders Macedonian army had spears called sarissas that were 18 feet long, far longer than the 69 foot Greek dory. Van Crefeld, Martin, Technology and War: From 2000 B.C. As a Titan Themis was considered to be one of the twelve children of Ournaos and Gaia, there being six sons and six daughters. Enter the answer length or the answer pattern to get better results. However, these kingdoms were still enormous states, and continued to fight in the same manner as Phillip and Alexander's armies had. This inevitably reduced the potential duration of campaigns, as citizens would need to return to their jobs (especially in the case of farmers). Military structure and methods in ancient Greece, The rise of Macedon and the end of the hoplite era, the end of the distinctive hoplite battle in Ancient Greece, "The diverse greek origins of a Classical period Greek army", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ancient_Greek_warfare&oldid=1136663953. Thucydides writes of Themistocles, an envoy to Sparta, who in 479 changed the tide of history by hiding the facts regarding the construction of the walls around Athens and those of the Piraeus. Adcock, Frank E., The Greek and Macedonian Art of War, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1962. After Ephialtes death, his younger partner Pericles continued with reforms, transforming Athens into the most democratic city-state of Ancient Greece. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. This was at the time where monarchy and kings as a form of government were becoming outdated, and land ownership and democracy became a key form of rule. Spartans instead relied on slaves called helots for civilian jobs such as farming. Thermopylae provided the Greeks with time to arrange their defences, and they dug in across the Isthmus of Corinth, an impregnable position; although an evacuated Athens was thereby sacrificed to the advancing Persians. These developments ushered in the period of Archaic Greece (800-480 BC). At least in the early classical period, hoplites were the primary force; light troops and cavalry generally protected the flanks and performed skirmishing, acting as support troops for the core heavy infantry. This first-hand experience allows a look into the mind of a person at the center of the ordeal. The Greeks had cultural traits, a religion, and a language in common, though they spoke many dialects. Pomeroy, Sarah B., et al. Plunder was also a large part of war and this allowed for pressure to be taken off of the government finances and allowed for investments to be made that would strengthen the polis. It scouted, screened, harassed, outflanked and pursued with the most telling moment being the use of Syracusan horse to harass and eventually destroy the retreating Athenian army of the disastrous Sicilian expedition 415-413 B.C. Hodkinson, Stephen, "Warfare, Wealth, and the Crisis of Spartiate Society," in John Rich and Graham Shipley, (eds. The large bronze vessel in which the mans ashes were deposited came from Cyprus, and the gold items buried with the woman are splendid and sophisticated in their workmanship. Thucydides, the great ancient historian of the 5th century bce, wrote a sketch of Greek history from the Trojan War to his own day, in which he notoriously fails, in the appropriate chapter, to signal any kind of dramatic rupture. The two most powerful city-states in ancient Greece, Athens and Sparta, went to war with each other from 431 to 405 B.C. After burning Eretria, the Persians landed at Marathon. War also led to acquisition of land and slaves which would lead to a greater harvest, which could support a larger army. The Dikasteria. During the course of this conflict, Athens gained and then lost control of large areas of central Greece. At the end of the fifth century B.C., Athenian families began to bury their dead in simple stone sarcophagi placed in the ground within grave precincts arranged in man-made terraces buttressed by a high retaining wall that faced the cemetery road. This alliance thus removed the constraints on the type of armed forces that the Greeks could use. Enter the length or pattern for better results. For one thing, it will be seen that state formation may itself be a product of the colonizing movement. Athens was able to benefit from this invasion since the region was rich in timber, which was critical to building Athens' burgeoning naval fleet. The ancient Greeks were a culture that lived thousands of years ago. Aristotle. The early encounters, at Nemea and Coronea were typical engagements of hoplite phalanxes, resulting in Spartan victories. Lazenby, John F., "Hoplite Warfare," in John Hackett, (ed. Athens claimed that Megarians insulted them by trespassing on land sacred to Demeter and murdering an Athenian ambassador. It was the period in which the harder and cheaper metal iron replaced bronze as a material for weapons and farm implements. to the Present, New York, NY: Free Press, 1989. Anderson, J. K., Military Theory and Practice in the Age of Xenophon, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1970. [clarification needed]. The city-states of Ancient Greece had different governments and were constantly changing alliances. Unable to maintain professional armies, the city-states relied on their citizens to fight. The Peloponnesian War (431404 BC), was fought between the Athenian dominated Delian League and the Spartan dominated Peloponnesian League. Greece, of roving habits. In city-states, the Dorians coupled with Greek people for political power and business and also helped influence Greek art, such as through their invention of choral lyrics in the theater. (He does, however, speak of Greece settling down gradually and colonizing Italy, Sicily, and what is now western Turkey. The period ended with the Roman conquest of Greece in the Battle of . Their name also derives from Doris, a small place in the middle of Greece. However, their six-year expedition did not lead to much success against Persia, as 100 Athenian ships were destroyed in the Delta region. The Eastern Mediterranean and Syria, 1000 B.C.1 A.D. Traditionally, this has been dated to the 8th century BC, and attributed to Sparta; but more recent views suggest a later date, towards the 7th century BC[citation needed]. These changes greatly increased the number of casualties and the disruption of Greek society. These battles were short, bloody, and brutal, and thus required a high degree of discipline. with them when the main material to make tools was made out of iron. Hornblower, Simon, "Sticks, Stones, and Spartans: The Sociology of Spartan Violence," in Hans van Wees, War and Violence in Ancient Greece, London and Swansea: Duckworth and the Classical Press of Wales, 2000, pp. Athens benefited greatly from this tribute, undergoing a cultural renaissance and undertaking massive public building projects, including the Parthenon; Athenian democracy, meanwhile, developed into what is today called radical or Periclean democracy, in which the popular assembly of the citizens and the large, citizen juries exercised near-complete control over the state. Along with the rise of the city-state evolved a brand new style of warfare and the emergence of the hoplite. Half of a mutual agreement made with an itchy dog? Darius was the fourth king of the Achaemenid empire, but not directly descended from the founder Cyrus II (~600-530 BCE). City-states such as Megara and Euboea began to rebel against Athens and the Delian League when the Spartan Army invaded Athenian territory. 20002023 The Metropolitan Museum of Art. After the exile of Cimon in Athens, his rivals Ephialtes and Pericles implemented democratic social reforms. Shipbuilders would also experience sudden increases in their production demands. The Greek Dark Ages (ca. This established a lasting Macedonian hegemony over Greece, and allowed Phillip the resources and security to launch a war against the Persian Empire. Department of Greek and Roman Art. There was increased emphasis on navies, sieges, mercenaries and economic warfare. (Mnemosyne, Supplements 409). Krentz, Peter, "Deception in Archaic and Classical Greek Warfare," in Hans van Wees, War and Violence in Ancient Greece, London and Swansea: Duckworth and the Classical Press of Wales, 2000, pp. 479Rebuilding of Athens: Although the Greeks were victorious in the Persian War, many Greeks believed that the Persians would retaliate. The Thebans marched into Messenia, and freed it from Sparta; this was a fatal blow to Sparta, since Messenia had provided most of the helots which supported the Spartan warrior society. The ancient Greek city-states developed a military formation called the phalanx, which were rows of shoulder-to-shoulder hoplites. The Athenian dominated Delian League of cities and islands extirpated Persian garrisons from Macedon and Thrace, before eventually freeing the Ionian cities from Persian rule. Spartans did not feel comfortable with such a large Athenian force inside their city. It occupied a key position on trade routes between Europe and Asia. Themistocles through his cunningness asserts an independent and strong Athenian identity. Greek science. Defying convention, he strengthened the left flank of the phalanx to an unheard of depth of 50 ranks, at the expense of the centre and the right. Greece. Arundel in 1624. 441The Samian Revolt: Athens decided to besiege Samos after their revolt in 441. In 477, he led an army against Persian-occupied Eion in northern Greece. Although alliances between city states occurred before this time, nothing on this scale had been seen before. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Anthropologists currently believe that Ancient Roman and Greek folk probably didn't take down . A large ship of burden, in ancient Greece. Many of the finest Attic grave monuments stood in a cemetery located in the outer Kerameikos, an area on the northwest edge of Athens just outside the gates of the ancient city wall. One example, chosen for its relevance to the emergence of the Greek city-state, or polis, will suffice. Any citizen would have the right to challenge a previous degree instilled by the Areopagus and claim it as invalid. Epaminondas deployed tactics similar to those at Leuctra, and again the Thebans, positioned on the left, routed the Spartans, and thereby won the battle. [citation needed] When battles occurred, they were usually set piece and intended to be decisive. So extreme was this hostility that Dorians were prohibited from entering Ionian sanctuaries; extant today is a 5th-century example of such a prohibition, an inscription from the island of Paros. He makes it clear after the walls have been secured (ensuring Athenian strength) that Athens is independent and is making self-interested decisions. The period between the catastrophic end of the Mycenaean civilization and about 900 bce is often called a Dark Age. the On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The average Athenian. Enemies of the ancient Greeks Crossword Clue The Crossword Solver found 30 answers to "Enemies of the ancient Greeks", 7 letters crossword clue. When this was combined with the primary weapon of the hoplite, 23m (6.69.8ft) long spear (the doru), it gave both offensive and defensive capabilities. Well, we shouldn't say toilet paper exactly. The hoplite was an infantryman, the central element of warfare in Ancient Greece. ), War and Society in the Greek World, London: Routledge, 1993, pp. Alexander's fame is in no small part due to his success as a battlefield tactician; the unorthodox gambits he used at the battles of Issus and Gaugamela were unlike anything seen in Ancient Greece before. Athens relied on these long walls to protect itself from invasion, while sending off its superior vessels to bombard opponents' cities. Undoubtedly part of the reason for the weakness of the hegemony was a decline in the Spartan population. The Greek Way of Death. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Pritchett, Kendrick W., The Greek State at War, 5 Vols., Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 19751991. At the Battle of Mantinea, the largest battle ever fought between the Greek city-states occurred; most states were represented on one side or the other. One is bound to notice, however, that archaeological finds tend to call into question the whole concept of a Dark Age by showing that certain features of Greek civilization once thought not to antedate about 800 bce can actually be pushed back by as much as two centuries. Marathon demonstrated to the Greeks the lethal potential of the hoplite, and firmly demonstrated that the Persians were not, after all, invincible. ), Warfare in the Ancient World, pp. But this was unstable, and the Persian Empire sponsored a rebellion by the combined powers of Athens, Thebes, Corinth and Argos, resulting in the Corinthian War (395387 BC). Updated on January 30, 2019. Delbruck, Hans, Warfare in Antiquity, History of the Art of War, Volume 1, Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1990. The period between the catastrophic end of the Mycenaean civilization and about 900 bce . The term originated with a scholiast on Thucydides, who used it in their description of the period. Whatever the proximal causes of the war, it was in essence a conflict between Athens and Sparta for supremacy in Greece. This dream was interpreted by Hecabe's stepson Aesacus, who was amongst the most famous seers of the ancient world; Aesacus would decipher the premonition as meaning that . Nevertheless, it was an important innovation, one which was developed much further in later conflicts. Certainly, by approximately 650 BC, as dated by the Chigi vase, the 'hoplite revolution' was complete. Click the answer to find similar crossword clues . 476The Conquest of Scyros: The invasions continued with success on a par with Cimon's prior campaigns. Someone who is hostile to, feels hatred towards, opposes the interests of, or . The male Titans would rise up their father, and Cronos would take up the position of supreme god of the cosmos in place of Ouranos. Although by the end of the Theban hegemony the cities of southern Greece were severely weakened, they might have risen again had it not been for the ascent to power of the Macedonian kingdom in northern Greece. The poorer classes in Greece began to rebel against the aristocracy and the wealthy. In regions of war, like Sparta, the Dorians made themselves military class and enslaved the original population to perform agricultural labor. Many Greeks city-states, having had plenty of warning of the forthcoming invasion, formed an anti-Persian league; though as before, other city-states remained neutral or allied with Persia. Gill, N.S. For years, Roman agents pursued their former enemy. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999. Famously, Leonidas's men held the much larger Persian army at the pass (where their numbers were less of an advantage) for three days, the hoplites again proving their superiority. Immortality lay in the continued remembrance of the dead by the living. The grave was within a large collapsed house, whose form anticipates that of the Greek temples two centuries later. During the fourth and fifth centuries in Athens alone, it was estimated that there were between 60,000 and 80,000 slaves. Pentecontaetia (Greek: , "the period of fifty years") is the term used to refer to the period in Ancient Greek history between the defeat of the second Persian invasion of Greece at Plataea in 479 BC and the beginning of the Peloponnesian War in 431 BC. It was divided into city-states Athens and Sparta were among the most powerfulthat functioned independently of one another. Thucydides does indeed display sound knowledge of the series of migrations by which Greece was resettled in the post-Mycenaean period. Athenian control over the league grew as some "allies" were reduced to the status of tribute-paying subjects and by the middle of the 5th century BC (the league treasury was moved from Delos to Athens in 454 BC) the league had been transformed into an Athenian empire. ARMIES AND ENEMIES OF ANCIENT GREECE AND MACEDONIA . Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). 233260. However, the lightly armored Persian infantry proved no match for the heavily armored hoplites, and the Persian wings were quickly routed. An Overview of the Dorian Invasion Into Greece. A grave, rich by the standards of any period, was uncovered at a site called Lefkandi on Euboea, the island along the eastern flank of Attica (the territory controlled by Athens). It was a time about which Greeks of the Classical age had confused and actually false notions. Tensions resulting from this, and the rise of Athens and Sparta as pre-eminent powers during the war led directly to the Peloponnesian War, which saw further development of the nature of warfare, strategy and tactics. Ancient Greece: A Political, Social, and Cultural History. The war ended when the Persians, worried by the allies' successes, switched to supporting the Spartans, in return for the cities of Ionia and Spartan non-interference in Asia Minor. 2d ed. However, a united Greek army of c. 40,000 hoplites decisively defeated Mardonius at the Battle of Plataea, effectively ending the invasion. as, the Doric dialect. Hornblower, Simon, and Anthony Spawforth ed.. Roisman, Joseph, and translated by J.C Yardley, This page was last edited on 2 December 2021, at 12:28. The rise of Macedon and her successors thus sounded the death knell for the distinctive way of war found in Ancient Greece; and instead contributed to the 'superpower' warfare which would dominate the ancient world between 350 and 150 BC. Snodgrass, A., "The Hoplite Reform and History," Journal of Hellenic Studies, Vol. Once firmly unified, and then expanded, by Philip II, Macedon possessed the resources that enabled it to dominate the weakened and divided states in southern Greece. The increased manpower and financial resources increased the scale, and allowed the diversification of warfare. According to Thucydides, the Athenians were deeply offended by their removal from Ithome. 85, 1965, pp. 458The Battle of Tanagra: According to Thucydides, the Spartans, motivated by ethnic solidarity, sent out 1500 Hoplites and an additional 10,000 from their allies' forces to suppress the Phocians' army invading Doris. To battle the enormous armies of the Achaemenid Empire was effectively beyond the capabilities of a single city-state. Hornblower, Simon, and Antony Spawforth, eds. Much more lightly armored, the Macedonian phalanx was not so much a shield-wall as a spear-wall. Leonidas (Mid 6th century-480 BCE) was the king of Sparta who led the Spartans at the Battle of Thermopylae (480 BCE).. The defeat of a hoplite army in this way demonstrates the changes in both troops and tactic which had occurred in Greek Warfare. Fearing he was about to be captured while hiding on Crete, Hannibal took a dose of poison that he carried with him and died. 445The Thirty-Year Peace Between Athens and Sparta: After losing Attica, Boeotia and Megara, Athens agreed to a thirty-year peace in return for all the conquered areas in the Peloponnesian region. 447Athenian Colonization and the Colony of Brea: With the 30-year peace treaty, Athens was able to concentrate attention towards growth rather than war. 110122. Firstly, the Spartans permanently garrisoned a part of Attica, removing from Athenian control the silver mine which funded the war effort. Athens would eventually spend 1200 talents to fund the war through the Delian League's treasury. What ancient enemy of Greece was conquered was by Alexander the Great? 457The Battle of Oenophyta: After the Spartans returned home from Tanagra, the Athenians conquered Boetia and Phocis after a battle at Oenophyta. ThoughtCo. The Athenian general Iphicrates had his troops make repeated hit and run attacks on the Spartans, who, having neither peltasts nor cavalry, could not respond effectively. Greek armies gradually downgraded the armor of the hoplites (to linen padded thorax and open helmets) to make the phalanx more flexible and upgraded the javelineers to lightly armored general purpose infantry (thorakitai and thyreophoroi) with javelins and sometimes spears. This helped the region because the tributes paid by each and every city-state were reduced with the increasing number of members joining the league. These democratic ideals are reflected in the use of personal names without a patronymic on inscriptions of casualty lists from around this time, such as those of the tribe Erechtheis dated to 460/459BC [3] and the Argive dead at the Battle of Tanagra (457 BC). For quality videos about mythology, you can visit the Youtube channel TinyEpics. They considered both political and This 'combined arms' approach was furthered by the extensive use of skirmishers, such as peltasts. Greece to a congress or council. Hanson, Victor D., "Hoplite Battle as Ancient Greek Warfare: When, Where, and Why?" This page was last edited on 31 January 2023, at 14:16. The peace treaty which ended the Peloponnesian War left Sparta as the de facto ruler of Greece (hegemon). The Corinthians was also able to influence the Spartans to join the cause, since Sparta didn't want to lose such an affluent ally. 125166. Athenian naval supremacy was a great fear of Sparta and her allies. 83124. The Dorians were considered the people of ancient Greece and received their mythological name from the son of Hellen, Dorus. "An Overview of the Dorian Invasion Into Greece." This was the first true engagement between a hoplite army and a non-Greek army. Pertaining to Doris, in ancient Greece, or to the Dorians; Ancient literary sources emphasize the necessity of a proper burial and refer to the omission of burial rites as an insult to human dignity (Iliad23: 71). The Greek navy, despite their lack of experience, also proved their worth holding back the Persian fleet whilst the army still held the pass. The eventual triumph of the Greeks was achieved by alliances of many city-states (the exact composition changing over time), allowing the pooling of resources and division of labour. Unlike the fiercely independent (and small) city-states, Macedon was a tribal kingdom, ruled by an autocratic king, and importantly, covering a larger area. Game of Thrones | S01E06 - A Golden CrownNine noble families fight for control over the lands of Westeros, while an ancient enemy returns. With revolutionary tactics, King Philip II brought most of Greece under his sway, paving the way for the conquest of "the known world" by his son Alexander the Great. The scale and scope of warfare in Ancient Greece changed dramatically as a result of the Greco-Persian Wars. The Chigi vase, dated to around 650 BC, is the earliest depiction of a hoplite in full battle array. The term colonization, although it may be convenient and widely used, is misleading. During the prothesis, relatives and friends came to mourn and pay their respects. Following this victory, the Thebans first secured their power-base in Boeotia, before marching on Sparta. It was not a happy place. The Greeks believed that at the moment of death, the psyche, or spirit of the dead, left the body as a little breath or puff of wind. The ancient Olympic Games officially came to an end around 394 AD, when Roman emperor Theodosius I outlawed pagan celebrations. The Athenians thus avoided battle on land, since they could not possibly win, and instead dominated the sea, blockading the Peloponnesus whilst maintaining their trade. Conversely, the Spartans repeatedly invaded Attica, but only for a few weeks at a time; they remained wedded to the idea of hoplite-as-citizen. A. M. and Scullard, H. H., (eds. The war (or wars, since it is often divided into three periods) was for much of the time a stalemate, punctuated with occasional bouts of activity. The growth of Athenian power through the Delian League is centered on a growing navy, the rebuilding of the walls that protect the city from land-based attackers, and an aggressive push to extend their influence which included a few skirmishes with other powers. The Dark Age itself is beyond the scope of this article. TH-04A Thracian Peltast, 4th Century BC (1pc) US$56 Thracians were a group of Indo-European tribes inhabiting a large area in Eastern and Southeastern Europe. Following the defeat of the Athenians in 404 BC, and the disbandment of the Athenian-dominated Delian League, Ancient Greece fell under the Spartan hegemony. How to say enemy in Greek Greek Translation echthrs More Greek words for enemy noun echthrs foe adjective echthriks hostile, unfriendly, inimical, malevolent Find more words! Grant, Michael, and John Hazel. As the Thebans attempted to expand their influence over Boeotia, they inevitably incurred the ire of Sparta. From 447 to 445, the Delian League was able to influence city-states near the Mediterranean to join and pay tribute (phoro). Currently, there is a lack of evidence, despite 200 years worth of research. Wheeler, E., "The General as Hoplite," in Hanson, Victor D., (ed. Greek armies also included significant numbers of light infantry, the Psiloi, as support troops for the heavy hoplites, who also doubled as baggage handlers for the heavy foot. Our system collect crossword clues from most populer crossword, cryptic puzzle, quick/small crossword that found in Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph, Daily Express, Daily Mirror, Herald-Sun, The Courier-Mail, Dominion Post and many others popular newspaper. Darius was already ruler of the cities of Ionia, and the wars are taken to start when they rebelled in 499 BC. The war petered out after 394 BC, with a stalemate punctuated with minor engagements. Rawlings, Louis, "Alternative Agonies: Hoplite Martial and Combat Experiences beyond the Phalanx," in Hans van Wees, War and Violence in Ancient Greece, London and Swansea: Duckworth and the Classical Press of Wales, 2000, pp. The battle is famous for the tactical innovations of the Theban general Epaminondas. These disputes, along with a general perception that Athenian power had grown too powerful, led to the breakdown of the Thirty Years Peace; the Peloponnesian War broke out in 431 BC. Anderson, J. K., Ancient Greek Horsemanship, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1961. Ancient Greece: A Political, Social, and Cultural History. The cemetery was in use for centuriesmonumental Geometric kraters marked grave mounds of the eighth century B.C. Streets were cleaner because people weren't just pooping in them (probably), attitudes were more refined, and it was a society conducive to allowing some of the world's great thinkers to just think. Cavalry had always existed in Greek armies of the classical era but the cost of horses made it far more expensive than hoplite armor, limiting cavalrymen to nobles and the very wealthy (social class of hippeis). Each ancient Greek city-state had its own government. 460The Athenian Expedition to Egypt: Athens led a coalition with the Egyptians to rebel against Persia. The Theban hegemony would be short-lived however. Like all ancient marble sculpture, funerary statues and grave stelai were brightly painted, and extensive remains of red, black, blue, and green pigment can still be seen (04.17.1). There were several tribes amongst The Dorians which included Hylleis,Pamphyloi, and Dymanes. Thucydides writes about how this period of growth was an inevitable cause of war, Their supremacy grew during the interval between the present war and the Persian wars, through their military and political actions recounted below against the barbarians, against their own allies in revolt, and against the Peloponnesians whom they encountered on various occasions. (1.97 [2]). Tactically the Peloponnesian war represents something of a stagnation; the strategic elements were most important as the two sides tried to break the deadlock, something of a novelty in Greek warfare. The Greek 'Dark Ages' drew to an end as a significant increase in population allowed urbanized culture to be restored, which led to the rise of the city-states ( Poleis ). The remaining Athenian fleet was thereby forced to confront the Spartans, and were decisively defeated.
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