(see The reporting sensitivity of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) for anaphylaxis and for Guillain-Barr syndrome). I thought every says that the rates from the vaccine are MUCH lower than from COVID. Today's conversation with Chris covers the outbreak from a scientific perspective. Chris Martenson, PhD (Duke), MBA (Cornell) is an economic researcher and futurist specializing in energy and resource depletion, and founder of PeakProsperity.com. He is adamant this treatment is only effective in combination with zinc supplements. How come Jessica Roses myocarditis paper was pulled by the publisher? He asks in his title: What motivates a tech millionaire to fight against covid vaccines? Id have a lot more respect for him if was able to get that simple question right. He also uses some GREAT analogies to get concepts across. He had a brief journalism career, ending as the Associate Editor for Campaigns and Elections Magazine, before transitioning to PR/marketing. They relied on the NEJM paper, which we finally convinced the NEJM that they were wrong (it took months). I've made sure to keep it unedited and uncensored.Enjoy!Neil, Continue reading. There's only so far the prepper ideology can take me in regards to the facts-on-the-ground everyday life struggle. They are paid to lie. Prior roles spanned IT, sales, marketing, and operations, giving him a rich understanding of all major areas of the business. Why? This page was last edited on 9 August 2021, at 06:24. Similar Content. When you find a fact check that addresses those 51 questions, that would be great because I have another 130 questions just like those which Id love to hear them explain as well. Time for some good news. Why not fact check that? He followed a post-doctoral program at Duke University, where he specialized in neurotoxicology. I'd say my trust in him has risen because of this. Thats the formal version, but heres the informal version in his own words: I think its important that you understand who I am, how I have arrived at my conclusions and opinions, and why Ive dedicated my life to communicating them to you. Does it trouble you at all that we dont know what those numbers are? Markets Contributors Feb 8 . How high will oil prices go due to the Iraq crisis? Note that this is a quick list I put together in about 30 minutes. We get that. Why aren't the nursing homes disputing Abrien Aguirre's account that there were 10 times as many deaths from the vaccines than from COVID? Do you think that is a normal reaction? The vaccines are dangerous. . There are huge number of people with elevated troponins after vaccination, 10X heart attack levels, and instead of quickly going back to normal, these levels are elevated for months. He and his wife spent their time in Australia learning permaculture and, upon moving back to the United States, left Corporate America to build a homestead in New Hampshire. So why pick on Kirsch? These causes of death were not normal. According to PhD Pathologist Dr. Chris Martenson, we have now learned: 1) there are good ways to prevent catching the disease, and 2) scientists have now developed cheap, safe and effective treatments. He is the founder and editor of the website ChrisMartenson.com, as well as its popular video seminar, The Crash Course. Wasnt it irresponsible for the CDC to recommend vaccination for pregnant women before the data was available? Dr. Chris Martenson is a pathology and toxicology expert who was a scientist and former corporate finance officer for Pfizer. 2K views Streamed 2 years ago Dr. Martenson, the defamed and hated fearmonger is back at it. Ivermectin used for decades, adverse events reported only in the last two years. Isnt the amount of spike caused by the vaccine many times that what you would get from the virus? In his corporate role, he was responsible for managing the movements of hundreds of employees and their families as well as millions in parts and equipment across various projects and site locations, including Germany, Italy, UK, UAE, Jordan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Qatar, Kuwait, Djibouti, and others. 4% increase in child deaths after the jabs rolled out, skyrocket to 614 times normal, after vaccination, that 30 other scientists, statisticians, and doctors all agree with him, his paper appearing in Toxicology Reports, The debate rules are posted in plain sight, The reporting sensitivity of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) for anaphylaxis and for Guillain-Barr syndrome, high numbers of VAERS symptoms for menstrual problems, 2 cricket players recently vaccinated drop on the field within 10 minutes of each other, US COVID-19 Vaccines Proven to Cause More Harm than Good, I have another 130 questions just like those, fact checker writes in a second take down piece. That said, again IMO, he was waaaaay out in front of this Corona Virus epidemic and pretty much correct about everything weeks before it popped up on Reddit, the news or in conversations with friends (he's the reason I was already stocked up on stuff three weeks ago, tbh). Chris Martenson, PhD (Duke), MBA (Cornell) is an economic researcher and futurist specializing in energy and resource depletion. Ryan Tiefen joined the Peak Team in 2022 after having discovered Chris and the Crash Course and subsequently joined the tribe, like so many others, in the heat of the Covid mayhem (2020). Did he not subtract out sufficient number of background events? If Kirsch is wrong on his analysis, how come you cant point out where in his analysis he got it wrong? Pre-Order RFK's New Book with Dr Chris Martenson by RFK Jr The Defender Podcast RFK Jr The Defender Podcast By Robert Kennedy Jr Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is founder of Waterkeeper Alliance, as well as Founder, Chairman of the Board, and Chief Legal Counsel for Children's Health Defense. This turns the ovaries into a very large manufacturing plant to turn out toxic spike protein", "FDA experts reveal the Covid-19 Vaccines are killing at least 2 people for every 1 life they save". Former big pharma executive Chris Martenson, who sold off everything and moved his family to the country, speaks with Paul Solman about exponential growth and the danger of our debts exceeding --. How come nobody can cite a SINGLE RCT that shows that masks work against COVID? If the vaccines are so safe, then why did CDC insiders tip off a friend of mine in January not to get the vaccines? Isnt that problematic? Why would Peter Doshi, associate editor of the BMJ, risk his reputation to question what is going on? I encourage everyone to watch it, and for medical professionals to read the papers too . He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. More importantly, why did the press not cover it? He followed a post-doctoral program at Duke University, where he specialized in neurotoxicology. Dont you think that we should have safety data on the amount, distribution, and duration of the spike protein that is produced BEFORE we started experimenting on the public? He is the founder and editor of the website Peak Prosperity. How come Pfizer 6 months study shows more all cause deaths in the treatment group in than in the placebo group? Whats their motivation for all the fraud and deception? The Version table provides details related to the release that this issue/RFE will be addressed. Where is the PROOF that the vaccines are saving lives? which Id love to hear them explain as well. So isnt it more likely than not this is real? Martenson is a fellow of the Post Carbon Institute. If you havent written about mask mandates yet and gone after them as ludicrous, then you arent much of a fact checker, are you? If we address the context problem of the first one and they mistake by The Expose in the second one, we are left with: When we look at areas of the body where we didnt expect to see the LNPs, the ovaries has the highest accumulation. If the vaccines are safe, how come Alex Berenson also thinks the vaccines are unsafe? Listen on the go. I let the data tell me the story. The VAERS data shows that the vaccines are killing at least 2 people for every life that they might save. Dr. Toby Rogers computed 117 deaths per kid saved in ages 5 to 11? Filters This is a dramatic increase. John Su is using a URF of 1. Isnt that problematic? Dr. Martenson is the CEO of PeakProsperity.com. Whoever wrote this fact check clearly spent a lot of time putting together his case. I love teaching, and I especially enjoy the challenge of explaining difficult or complicated subjects to people with limited or no background in those subjects. While in Los Angeles, he dabbled in all facets of video production, from sound, to cinematography/lighting, directing, and editing, experiences which contributed to a well-rounded competency in all things production. In addition to filming and editing the Peak Prosperity show, Ryan is filming the goings on around Honey Badger Farms (as seen in Resilient Life), and hes working hands-on alongside Chris and Evie in an effort to bring Honey Badger up to its full potential, which we know will be of utmost importance in the times ahead. Up until then Ryan was working in Los Angeles, CAthe place where he was born and raisedin the film industry and in the process of forming his early career. Hes also worked in media relations with reporters and news organizations in more than 160 media markets, including CNN, Fox News, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, New York Times, Good Morning America, the Today Show, 20/20, and Dateline. In 2010, he predicted a new era of stagflation,[4] in which monetary inflation outpaces economic growth, or even simultaneous stagflation and deflation. Oh, you think it is due to likelihood to report is higher the closer it is to vax date? It was supposed to be a representative group! While it is amusing for people to refer to the Mclachlan VAERS study and argue that all the deaths were normal, thats simply not what the study said. Is that the new way we are supposed to treat people today? This is really hard for many people to believe and accept. Chris is in the dot-connecting business. Got any examples of the rates going down? Dr. Chris Martenson is a futurist, economic researcher and holds a PhD in toxicology from Duke University. Pre-Order Now! Have you fact checked all those first? In fact, Bigtrees attorney calculated a VAERS URF of 50 well before Kirsch did. Christopher Hamlin Martenson (born September 15, 1962) is an economic researcher, writer and trend forecaster interested in macro trends regarding the economy, energy composition and environment. "I'm here with a really important message about the coronavirus," Chris Martenson, one of the founders of the financial website Peak Prosperity, says at the beginning of a video entitled. Is the data just not cooperating with the narrative? Regular people are all brainwashed. Chris does a fabulous job of explaining connections between energy, economics, and the environment, and makes it clear why we, as a civilization, cannot continue "business as usual". I didn't share anything because I just couldn't tell, again, if it was overly alarmist or dead-on. There are 5,288 symptoms that havent been reported for ANY vaccine in the last 5 years that are being reported for the first time in these vaccines. How come Professor Jeffrey Morris changed the topic whenever we tried to show him that the symptoms in VAERS were dose dependent? (Answer: Its pretty simple actually; we all saw the corruption of science and want to save lives. It has not been retracted. Why did all of these people suddenly become conspiracy theorists? We get that. That's why we are here. dr chris martenson credentials. If the fact checker uses a pseudonym, why cant you tell us what your name is? Im not the bad guy here. If the CDC and FDA members are independent, why did one of them admit in a private conversation that if they didnt vote the way the FDA /CDC wanted they would be kicked off the committee like Martin Kulldorff? Follow Chris Martenson and explore their bibliography from Amazon.com's Chris Martenson Author Page. Our guest this week on Retirement Lifestyle Advocates radio is Dr. Chris Martenson. Why is a top California neurologist needing to report 2,000 VAERS events this year when in the last 11 years she's never need to report a single adverse event? Keep up the good work. How come the FDA and CDC outside committee members all turned down a $1M research grant just to talk to us for a few hours and answer questions? How do you explain that the biodistribution showing accumulation in the ovaries correlate with the. That would save lives. He followed a post-doctoral program at Duke University, where he specialized in neurotoxicology. Perhaps our friend can name one cardiologist who shows that myocarditis cases when down significantly after the vaccines rolled out. Using arguments of where did they hide the bodies just shows you are incapable of finding the bodies; it doesnt prove Kirsch got it wrong. If we are wrong about this, how did Ron figure it out on his own that the vaccines were nonsensical for every age group and get his paper published in a peer-reviewed medical journal? P Narrative Keepers in a Panic! Why did YouTube censor Dr. Peter Doshi's testimony? That is truly evil and corrupt. A former scientist and Fortune 300 executive, he studies macro trends through his . January 20, 2022 48 min Download See all episodes CATEGORY: Society & Culture Share Dr. Chris Martenson- Deaths in New Zealand and Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche- UNFORGIVABLE SIN. Does it trouble you at all that we dont know what those numbers are? John Su is using a URF of 1. In 2002, I discovered that my broker was unable to navigate a bear market, and Ive been managing my investments ever since. [5] In 2012, Martenson warned of a liquidity crisis. How many MRE's? . Twitter. Martenson holds a PhD degree in pathology from Duke University in 1994 and an MBA degree from Cornell University in 1998. Why aren't the vaccine injured getting any press? It has not been retracted. You are brilliant. Or are you just trying to discredit me? If not, why wont anyone talk about this? 4 AUG 2022 "Fighting for Farmers: Michael Yon and Pepijn Van Houwelingen" . How can they have eliminated the vax as the cause without ever talking to her? I mean just a little bit troubling??? Information you can't afford to live without! , which we finally convinced the NEJM that they were wrong (it took months). If it isnt 50%, then what is the real number and for how long? Basically, this nameless, faceless person claims that Crawford cherry picked data and that the excess death data doesnt line up with a deadly vaccine. Admittedly, it's less about my faith in him and more about a sort of weariness when it comes to apocalyptic warnings; like, how much gold should I have? Original Content; News Digest; 20,000 people read that article and couldnt find a hole. Heres is my latest attempt which I sent on December 5, 2021: Rather than address every point of every fact check, here is a checklist for things that a thorough fact checker should be able to answer, but cant or wont. What is causing this? REPLAY: December Peak Insider Live Q&A with Chris and Evie. If you are The Gift of Fire, then please respond in the comments. This is classic bait and switch because the public is still getting the same Pfizer jab they have been getting all along. Whats going on? Today, for example, someone sent me this link from the experts at healthfeedback.org that fact checked two statements that they claim that I made: "the ovaries get the highest concentration of [lipid nanoparticles from RNA vaccines]. (Note: dose dependency is one of the most impressive indicators of causality, but we use all Bradford-Hill criteria to assess causality). I gather data, I develop hypotheses, and I continually seek to accept or reject my hypotheses based on the evidence at hand. [11] The news site Mother Jones accused Martenson of trying to cash in on coronavirus fears. This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. Wikipedia deleted Martenson's profile on 25 June 2009 and again on 4 February 2020. Privacy Policy. Dr. Chris Martenson | Ivermectin incredibly safe Adverse effects are extremely rare, even when doses are not correct. Recently Ivermectin, a drug in use on hundreds of millions of humans since 1981, has faced severe malignment from the FDA and CDC. Wow. Amazon.com: Chris Martenson: books, biography, latest update Follow Chris Martenson and explore their bibliography from Amazon.com's Chris Martenson Author Page. Heres my fact check of the fact checkers as a repurposed graphic: First, I try to reach out to the experts who are quoted in the fact checks to challenge me in a recorded debate. Our economy requires growth. We have people highly qualified to who have spent months analyzing the VAERS data. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. the r0 or transmission rate of the virus is about 2.5 not 4.3 or whatever he claims. FULL Uncensored Discussion With Dr Chris Martenson! Also, there was a key opinion leader meeting January 2021 where the NIH, CDC, and FDA experts got on a call and voted that doctors should talk to their patients about fluvoxamine. I. Christopher Hamlin Martenson (born September 15, 1962) is an economic researcher, writer and trend forecaster interested in macro trends regarding the economy, energy composition and environment. If the URF isn't 41, what is the true URF and did you calculate it using the CDC-approved methodology like we did? Dr. Chris Martenson of Peak Prosperity provides an expert review of the drug. Lets find the truth. How do you explain that the biodistribution showing accumulation in the ovaries correlate with the high numbers of VAERS symptoms for menstrual problems many with huge elevations compared to baseline (previous vaccines). Both are part of the strategy advisory council for The Unity Project UnityProjectOnline.com Why does the CDC *REFUSE* to calculate and use the proper URF for VAERS when interpreting the safety data? [7] According to Martenson, large changes related to economic, energy, and environmental factors will occur in the near future (2015-2020).Martenson has been predicting a stock market collapse each year since 2010 even though the market has soared higher. The debate rules are posted in plain sight. many with huge elevations compared to baseline (previous vaccines). Is he? There should be been around 110 deaths in each group, right? [5] In 2012, Martenson warned of a liquidity crisis. How do you explain the sudden surge in forecasted demand here? The facts supporting both of these statements are pretty straightforward. Berenson and Kirsch hardly ever talk, yet came to the same conclusions about vaccines, that the NIH ignored early treatment, the lack of any science behind masking, the irresponsibility of mandates, etc. And even if the URF is 1 (which would be highly unlikely), the sheer number of deaths is still huge and the trial should be halted per Paul Offits remarks on 60 Minutes about the smallpox vaccine.
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