Bitter and with the intent to hurt him, Buffy coldly informed Angel that she had a newboyfriend that she loved, and one she could actually trust. When Riley had described asbeing attracted to immortals like Dracula and Angel, Buffy became slightly offended and insisted that she was stillhis girlfriend. Quedate en casa y disfruta de los mejores productos. Sleeping together at that point might have messed up what they were building, or at least they would worry that it would. "[204] Later in the year, due to Dawn's deteriorating health because of the end of magic, Buffy was forced to call Faith for some help. She hanged out with him and her sister under normal circumstances and both teased her over Dowling and whether or not she was into him. Buffyverse Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. [25] As her relationship with Riley was self-destructing, it was noted by Xander that Angel had caused Buffy to close herself offsince their painful break-up and that she had subconsciously saw Riley as the "convenient rebound guy. Spike admits his love for Buffy, but Buffy does not. Buffy was visibly hurt by their encounter, leading to her friends and sister finally learning about her relationship with Spike. But the most enduring was the one that erupted between the titular Buffy and her two vampiric love interests, Angel and Spike. After Riley explained his jealousy was because he was so in love with her, Buffy said "I know the feeling." He helped her with the Potentials but disagreed with Buffy keeping Spike alive, believing him to be too dangerous and that Buffy's feelings for him were clouding her judgement. Abrams, 46, re-sparked the long-debated argument in November when she tweeted, "To be fair, Angel was the right boyfriend for Buffy coming into her power. [32], The following day, Buffy and Spike, along with her friends and fellow Slayers, battled the First Evil in the Hellmouth. Didn't Joss himself say it was ambiguous? [182] Eventually, when forced to lose their Slayer powers, Buffy and Faith finally developed a still somewhat strained friendship. Most people would sleep with their lovers if they felt it was going to be the last time. The destructive metaphor remains heavy-handed but prescient. [111]When Buffy realized that Spike had an unsettling obsession with her, she began to wonder if something was wrong with her and seemed very dismayed with her personal life. They could not, however, define their relationship. [34], While they continued to be apart, Buffy maintained her feelings for Angel. [70] Their unresolved feelings for one another eventually became clear to Buffy's friends, and were a source of growing concern for Giles in particular, who worried that Buffy's feelings were affecting her better judgment. great directing there. I would think definitely yes at least kissing & lots more cuddling would have taken place if the part where he sees her passionately jumping into Angels arms and kissing him hadnt happened, right after their last what I thought was a very intimate highly emotional conversation heading in the right direction for them. A confusing funeral later and Buffy has to come to terms with having lost a lover she would never have called a lover or told her friends about, and the one person who made living bearable after being ripped out of heaven. After Angel visited her in her dorm, Buffy was still angry with what he had said to her and quickly expressed it to him. [178] When Buffy left to be imprisoned in theSafe Zone, she asked Dawn to "fill dad in on everything," implying they still maintained contact. Their process of piecing together their personal histories makes for some hysterical role reversals. There is more scope for the evocative; for bolder, more honest storytelling, including what happens when young people want each other. [25] The Scoobies soon reconciled and united together against Adam. However, Buffy and Giles reconciled when she confessed to him how difficult life and all of these impossible choices were to her. However, she was shocked and confused to see that Angel was not actually being targeted by Faith anymore, insteadhe was helping her deal with her guilt of her crimes. Through the advice of Jonathan Levinson, Buffy and Riley shared a dance together and made peace with each other. Who says that is not an indication of them sleeping together? Buffy Summers had various relationships over the years. Sadly, the show came to an end in 2003 but who did Buffy (played by Sarah Michelle Gellar) end up with? I am, of course, referring to the feral hookup between Buffy and black nail polish fanboy/occasional makeout partner/nemesis-cum-ally Spike in the episodes final act. [139], Although Buffy did not return Xander's romantic feelings for her,[140] she once flirted and danced seductively with him,[141] although she later confessed that this was an attempt to make Angel jealous. # 1. Faith stated Buffy wasn't normal to begin with, and even praised her for being able to hold her own against Slayers without any powers.[207]. Before leaving, Spike earnestly expressed that he had faith in her and would always have her back. Instead, Buffy and Faith (Eliza Dushku) decided to live normal lives and joined the San Francisco Police Academy. Willow also apologized for keeping her relationship with Tara a secret to Buffy and everyone else, making peace with each other. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. [104]Spike had preyed on Giles' insecurities, saying that Buffy treated him without respect and found him useless and fearing that this was true, he had gotten drunk, much to Buffy's annoyance. Their hands burst into flame as the Hellmouth collapsed around them in one of the series' most memorable and iconic romantic images. After sneaking into the Safe Zone, they were caught by the peacekeepers, so Faith took on eight Slayers to give Buffy and Willow a chance to restore their powers. However when Buffy was attempting to stop Acathla, her mother found out about Buffy's slaying. When Willow had realized that Angel returned from hell and Buffy was taking care of him, she was not judgmental or angry like the others, seemingly only worried about Buffy's well-fare. If only Willow could've said something like Kaylee did when Simon finally says he'll be with her, and Kaylee says screw it, she's going to live. fanfiction. More info. Angel, however, could not be killed as a result of the powers granted to him by Twilight. [94] When Riley approached her ata party on her day off, she brieflywas uncomfortable and disinterested at his awkward attemptto start a conversation with her. Angel explained he did what he didtofocus her and lower the death rate in her war against humanity. In the end, Buffy allowed Willow to go on her own, with the witch reassuring Buffy that she will not let her down this time. I think they did. [26] Buffy also appeared fond of his relationship with Anya and burst into tears when Tara told her the two had a small fight, but this was mostly Buffy reeling from herbreak-up with Riley and projecting it on them. [51], Riley Finn began a relationship with Buffy while at UC Sunnydale. One fan recently tweeted: I JUST WANT BUFFY AND ANGEL TO BE A THING AGAIN., A second fan added: Buffy would have chosen Angel in the end.. Brought together through the loss of their voices because of the Gentlemen, the two finally had their first kiss. Giles had said no, arguing that she was more suitable because she was family. [106]The strength of the bond was showcased again when the Watchers Council threatened to deport Giles indefinitely back to England ifthey did not allow them to analysis her skills as a Slayer. Reluctantly,Buffy agreed. Spike, by design, embodied everything Buffy hated, which was confusing and thrilling for fans and slayers alike. For the remainder of the coma, Faith and Buffy were able to share dreams with one another through the mutual Slayer powers. During a sparring match with him, she had accidentally used a little ofher Slayer strength andkickedRiley across the room, clearly shocking him. Notes: [I had this idea for Buffy and Faith's prophetic dream and wondered about alternative spellings of Fear, so I typed the most different-but-plausible spelling I could think of into Google, and found this: "Pheere, Pheare. Easily pegging his status as a military commando, she wasdisappointed that Riley was not exactlythe "perfect, normal guy" shewas looking for. When he told her what had happened with Riley and sincerely apologized, Buffy forgave him and was grateful he had come. [100], Manipulated by Spike, Xander revolted againsther when sheinitially refused to allow her friends go after Adam with her. Buffy told him she didn't trust Angel but he had her heart. [73]Meanwhile, Buffy defended Spike against Angel and insisted he could do good and was a different man from before,showing great trust in him. They then went through another setback when Giles had chosen Faith's side over hers, after Faith had almost killed during a undercover mission. [92] Riley trusted her enough to be a part ofthe Initiative, but Buffy fit in there poorly, due to her habit of questioning the orders of authority. Two decades later, the scene is still powerful. Faith tried to follow Buffy's lead, and appeared hesitant to take over leadership after the mutiny against Buffy. I mean, what could possibly beat a rousing game of "first I jump you, then you jump me, then we manage to work in a triple jump," except maybe managing to throw in getting crowned a couple of times in the process of all that jumping. [52], Buffy's antagonism softened somewhattoa point, requesting he keep her mother and Dawn safe at his cryptsince Glorificus was close and he was the strongest person around who could protect them,but warned him ifthey died, she would kill him in a instant; Spike wassurprised, but agreed. [86] Seeing his confusion, Buffy explained they both were currently in differently places and had grown since their last attempt, and realized she "never really gave us a shot." No they didn't, you never fully get over sexaul assault it stays with you forever and the rape/attempted rape was never dealt with in S7 I can't see Buffy letting him or Spike thinking he was good enough for Buffy so more of the holding/cuddling/talking type thing. In another, a user plays the scene to answer the question: Show me a scene that you found attractive that makes you realize you have deep rooted issues. The replies tell you she isnt alone. Why did Buffy sleep with Spike? Heck, it may have gone from room to room singing about it. When Dawn fell into an incapacitated coma and was on the verge of dying, Buffy attempted to comfort a grief and guilt-filled Xander over their shared pain. Buffy's fears of Riley preferring Faith soon ceased. I was 100% on the side of wishing they did, but youre right - angels visit kind of washed that down the drain. In one of the earliest episodes of Season 5, Spike has a shocking revelation in a passion-fueled dreamhe's in love with his sworn enemy. They spent the final two nights before the battle together. I think they spent a moment in each others arms but i don't think they had sex i think the comfort they received from each other went way past that at this point. Buffy would later explain to Giles that she could tell it was him because of his "eyes" and the familiar annoyance they expressed. I guess we'll never really truly know unless one of the writers comes clean and let's us know. Following buffy's. For the fact that buffy start. She visibly acknowledged this, but did not comment. [95], Buffy continued to spent time with him and even asked him if he would like to be a their own Thanksgiving, only for Rileyexplain he was traveling back to Iowatobe with his family. Continue Learning about Movies & Television. Teen and young-adult television has had a preoccupation with sex for as long as the genre has existed. ", "Buffy The Vampire Slayer - Joss Whedon in conversation with Katie Lucas. He sat on the edge of the bed, hands gripping the sides . "[29] Later, while recounting the painful experience of having to kill Angel, Buffy remarked that she would have given anything to be with him and that she "loved him more than she would ever love anything in this life. However, because they can't physically have sex, the sexual tension between the two in Buffy. Do you think this is a subtle hint that maybe they slept together one last time before the battle?! A film buff, she has a Western collection of 250+ titles and counting that she's particularly proud of. In my Buffyverse they didn't have sex [that last night]. Buffy seemed to utterly believe everything she had told him, but it was nonetheless clear Riley still carried doubts. Spike, however, wrongly assumed that she was fantasizing about Angel; she was too embarrassed to correct him, and brushed her fantasy off as an after effect of the Twilight glow. [54], Following her mother's death, Buffy took it upon herself tobe strong for Dawn and worried more about her than herself. Posing as the Buffybot, the real Buffy bestows a kiss (and her trust) on her knight errant.
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